Tuesday, February 21, 2017

is date function in Netezza

Check for valid date/time-stamp
There is so such built-in function , but you can user regexp to validate the value. Below the code. It will return true if it is valid time-stamp else false.

Select SQLEXT.regexp_like(current_timestamp ,'\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$'


nz_migrate - Migrating data from one netezza box to another (or same) box


Purpose of  this command is to copy or migrate data from one one NPS server to another. It can be also used to make a copy of a database/table on the same server.

Sample Command : 
./nz_migrate -shost <source Host name>  -thost <Target Host name> -sdb  <Source Database Name> -tdb  <Target Database Name> -suser  <Source User Name> -spassword <Source Password> -tuser <Target User Name> -tpassword <Target Password>  -t <list of tables , seperated by comma. >   -cksum fast -genStats Full -threads 5  -CreateTargetTable yes -CreateTargetDatabase yes   >> /tmp/nz_migrate_0220_3.log &

If you are want to migrate all table under database (don't mention -t flag) -

./nz_migrate -shost <source Host name>  -thost <Target Host name> -sdb  <Source Database Name> -tdb  <Target Database Name> -suser  <Source User Name> -spassword <Source Password> -tuser <Target User Name> -tpassword <Target Password>    -cksum fast -genStats Full -threads 5  -CreateTargetTable yes -CreateTargetDatabase yes   >> /tmp/nz_migrate_0220_3.log &

If you are migrating data to new box, I will recommend you to run this command on new box. If you run this command on new box, it will save some memory and processing of your old box.

Note : You might get some error message saying "group/user "username" not found, "function 'COVAR_POP(FLOAT8, FLOAT8)' does not exist" , ignore it while doing the migration. These errors might not have any impact on data transfer.